Did you know that the highest cost of onboard fires is more than $150,000 per minute?

Fire in the engine room is the most common fire problem on ships when fuel under pressure meets hot surfaces. Therefore, leakage detection and fire prevention should be an important part of your everyday life on your ship.

A fire prevention system is a crucial investment to make in order to protect your passengers, crewmembers and cargo. But what options for a fire prevention system are the best?

LAS-10 oil mist detectors save lives

Oil mist is formed by oil droplets suspended in the air. The oil mist reduces the flash point of the oil, which allows it to catch fire in the presence of a hot spot. One of the best ways to prevent fire is using and utilizing oil mist detection. This concentration of oil needs to be kept under control to avoid severe damage that can ultimately turn into a fire. With an oil mist detector, you can detect any irregularities, so you can react before it is too late.

How does a LAS-10 oil mist detector operate?

Two-thirds of all fires on ships start in the engine room. Here at Daspos, our oil mist detector is developed for large spaces and designed for use in hazardous areas.

The system is installed in the engine room on board ships and continuously checks the air sample in order to detect if oil mist or oil vapors increases. The detector has an inlet and outlet for introducing oil mist or oil vapors and secures open engine rooms against fire before ignition. This is unlike a traditional oil mist detector which detects fault inside the engines crank case.

Gammel Klausdalsbrovej 495
DK-2730 Herlev